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Posts mit dem Label Access Labor Market werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen

Freitag, 13. Dezember 2013

How to access the local labor market - Design Your Career!

Our MOVES consulting blog moved. Find more news here:

Michelle put her job down when her husband was elected President of the United States. We can be sure Mrs. Obama will get a good position when her husband leaves the White House again.

Many expat partners stop their own careers in favor of the career of her husband or his wife.This often results in a lower career level after returning from abroad.

During this workshop you will:

  • find out how you can develop and grow your personal career
  • develop Resumes that are aligned to Austrian or German employers
  • does your diploma need recognition by the local authorities?
  • develop your individual education plan (if applicable)
  • research, analyse and identify job offers in newspapers, company websites and social media like XING, LINKEDIN etc.
  • get in touch with local employers swiftly and easily

We know that the access to the labor market abroad is very difficult.

The workshop "Design your Career" will bring you to a useful starting point for your access to the Austrian labor market. You will get information, support and practice how to access the Austrian labor market and successfully apply for your job.

On Appointment only
In:  on request or online via Skype 
Time: up to 10 hours individual consulting

Your investment in your career 850,000 € inkl. VAT

 Mrs Epping will be pleased to answer your questions: